Monday, July 22, 2019

Ice Box Pickles

Our garden has been producing a nice amount of cucumbers for it's size. I had quite a few in the fridge and wanted to make some pickles but didn't quite have enough to go through the whole canning process.  I decided to try my hand at making a batch of ice box pickles. Some people may call them refrigerator pickles. I looked online and found a simple recipe to try. I made a few variations to better suit me and oh my..they are good! My husband said they are the best pickles he's ever had and to not bother making anything else. With that,  I'd say they were a success! I've since made two batches of these pickles. The second time I made them I had a little pickle juice left in the jar (Yes, I drank quite a bit of the juice..) so I just added to what was already there, plus made a second jar.

This is a very simple recipe that is quick to throw together. It's easy to adjust if you want to make a smaller batch. This is also a great way to enjoy fresh cucumbers out of your garden if you aren't comfortable with canning yet.The pickles can be eaten right away but of course they are more flavorful after a day or two. They will keep well in the ice box for weeks but trust me, they won't last that long!

Ingredients needed:

10-12 pickling cucumbers
4 cups water
2 cups of white vinegar
2 tablespoons of pure salt (I use pink salt)
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 big bunch of fresh dill (Or dried dill. I've used both depending on availability in my garden)
3 crushed heads of garlic (or  to taste)
Course ground pepper (to taste)

This will make approx 2-3 quarts of pickles depending on the size of your cucumbers.


-Wash and slice your cucumbers. We prefer ours sliced somewhat thick. Set aside.

-Start your brine..combine water, vinegar, salt and sugar in a pot. Bring to a boil and stir to dissolve the salt and sugar. Remove from heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.

-Add your cucumbers to the jars. Be careful not to over pack so there's plenty of room for the brine and herbs. Divide your dill, garlic and  pepper into each jar. More pepper and garlic really creates a great flavor. I put 2 heads of garlic and two good pinches of pepper per jar. Pour the cooled brine into the jars, covering the cucumbers and herbs completely.

-Put your lids on your jars and pop them in the fridge.

That's it! Super simple and so good. You could also add jalapenos in with your cucumbers if you want a little heat. 

I hope you give them a try. Enjoy!!

"For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."
                                                    Psalm 107:9

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