Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Starting Seedlings



   This afternoon we did a little work in the greenhouse. About a week ago we set out our first seeds and already we have nice seedlings up. Starting seeds is much more affordable than buying plants at the hardware store. The kids really enjoy it too. We started growing our own plants a few years ago. We've chosen to grow heirloom variety plants this year so we can save and plant our own seeds. 

   We tried something new this time with some of our seeds. We planted them in egg cartons that we poked small drain holes in. We closed the lid which held in the moisture and heat better. These seeds shot up quickly. This can be done just about anywhere not just in a greenhouse. The egg cartons can be put in a window, on the porch, anyplace that will catch the warmth of the sun. We also use foam cups which work great. Without a greenhouse it does work better if the cups are covered with plastic wrap or something that will hold in heat and moisture. 

     Like in the past, we planted all of our seeds in composted rabbit manure that we dug up from behind the barn. Rabbit manure makes beautiful compost and is our favorite fertilizer. 

    The kids helped us finish planting the seeds in cups and labeled them for us. Many hands make light work you know!
   After working in the green house we decided to pick us some supper. We still have a few things growing in the raised beds we made just outside the kitchen. We picked mustard greens, turnip greens, a few turnips, and some radishes.    
   Be watching  for our next blog entry. Joe plans to share with you some good organic fertilizer options as well as ideas on how to have a productive garden even if you only have a small space to work with.


"And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The Lord blessed him,"
                                                                         Genesis 26:12

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