Monday, January 27, 2014

Plantin' Taters


Howdy! It's been a while since I've made a post. A long while. I'm a bit behind on posting all the latest goings-ons around here and I hope to catch up over the next week.

We enjoyed beautiful weather Sunday. It was cool and sunny. During the afternoon we decided to put some potatoes in the ground. I purchased a 50 pound bag of red potatoes over a week ago and I've been itching to get them in the ground. I'm hoping we have better luck with our potatoes this year. Ants have been a huge problem in the past. Hopefully we will have a nice harvest in a few months. I have big plans for added pantry storage so I can put up more food than ever. Keep checking back for more updates on the homestead!


  1. Hi there! I found your blog through Homestead Blessings.
    Ants are really starting to be a problem here in Tennessee, too. I recently noticed they have invaded my raised bed of asparagus. Asparagus is our all-time favorite vegetable so I'm using a borax/sugar/water solution to get rid of them. I'd be interested in hearing how you combat the problem.

    1. Hello! Thanks for visiting our blog. I have failed miserably at trying to control ants. I've tried borax, vinegar, DE, boiling water, grits.... Nothing seems to keep them away. I'm hoping someone can share with me how to fight and kill those little boogers! :)
